To benefit
Installation of water tanks – Jambiani
Installation of 4 water tanks that allow collecting and accessing it at any time of the day.
296 days
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Identification of the need
In Jambiani, water is a limited resource, and one of the main problems is the lack of access to drinking water in the homes of local inhabitants of the area.
Currently, they have a well from which water is obtained through pipes that reach the center of Jambiani Village.
This installation has greatly helped the population to avoid long trips to get water. However, there are still some drawbacks that prevent adequate access to this resource:
- The water from these taps comes from the aforementioned well; However, only for a duration of 4 hours a day and during the morning, preventing the inhabitants from having water for the rest of the day.
- The pipe network is extensive and sometimes the electrical power is not enough to generate enough pressure to reach the different points of the network.
- Power outages are common in Jambiani, which means that residents do not have access to water during these outages.
Proposed solution
To address this issue, water tanks have been installed to facilitate collection. This ensures that the water tank reserve can be utilized in situations where access through the taps is unavailable.
A total of 4 water tanks are to be installed, and their current situation is as follows:
- Water tank 1: Installation completed.
- Water tank 2: Base built and pipes installed.
- Water tank 3: Base under construction.
- Water tank 4: Not started.
- Iron bars: 180.000 TZS
- Water tap: 96.000 TZS
- Cement: 200.000 TZS
- PVC pipes: 96.000 TZS
- Pipe connectors: 50.000 TZS
- Bricks: 120.000 TZS
- Sand: 120.000 TZS
- Gravels: 120.000 TZS
- Water tanks: 3.300.000 TZS
- Subtotal: 4.282.000 TZS
- Subtotal: 1.647€
- Gestión (8%): 132€
- Total: 1.779€
*1 EURO = 2.600 TZS

- Misión: Promover el bienestar en países en vías de desarrollo, dotando a organizaciones sociales locales de soporte económico para la ejecución de proyectos sostenibles en el ámbito de la educación y la salud.
- Visión: Conseguir comunidades empoderadas donde todas las personas tengan plena igualdad y las mismas oportunidades.
Donators (5)

Cooperating Volunteers SL
324 days ago
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354 days ago